Despite it's age this is an extremely solid RPG that provides just enough challenge that it's not piss easy but not a cake walk.
#Super mario rpg legend of the seven stars switch series
The progenitor of the Mario RPG games giving birth to the Mario and Luigi series as well as the paper Mario series. All in all though, this game blazed a bright trail for future Mario RPGs to follow, it's a shame it seems like modern circumstances+Nintendo have sewn up chances of a modern Mario RPG for the time being While the general story is fine, the actual dialogue in the script is oftentimes nonsensical and strange, and I'm not sure if this is a result of the original JP script or a scuffed Woolsey translation. Pretty much any scene where Mario or another character pantomimes is quite funny, but aside from that much of the story and humor fell flat to me. Obviously the are spiritual successors with the gift of hindsight, and I think the overall mechanics this game up are well done. Having grown up on TTYD and the Mario and Luigi RPGs, I find I prefer the antagonists in those games compared to this one. It's on the easy side, which makes sense given it's the first RPG of a super well-known franchise like Mario, but the action commands/timed hits give it lots of depth. Pretty easy to see why this became a classic RPG.